Klix.ba – Initiative for Monitoring of EU Integrations: It is not likely that additional answers will be delivered within the deadline

The text is published on portal klix.ba, 21.06.2018. In this article Initiative for Monitoring of EU Integrations reminded us that B&H institutions had a six months deadline for filing answers on the questionnaire of European Union, but it took them fourteen months. Unlike Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia filed their answers within three months, Serbia answered within two … Continued

Initiative About EU-Western Balkans Summit

Federalni radio, 17.05.2018. After 15 years, The EU-Western Balkans Summit is taking place in Sofia. It is a great opportunity for numerous bilateral meetings. Andrej Plenković announced the next one for the year 2020. when Croatia should take over the presidency of Union. Rasim Ibrahimagić gave his opinion on this topic in front of the … Continued

Here you can find some press releases (printed, online or TV reports) on the Initiative for Monitoring the European Integration of BiH.