About the Initiative
About the Initiative for Monitoring the European Integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Initiative for Monitoring the European Integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina is an informal coalition of civil society organizations which contributes to monitoring of the reforms and overviews the application of EU policies, laws and standards.
The Initiative for Monitoring the European Integration of BiH has been recognized as an important third factor in the process of EU integrations and plays an active role in the creation of policies and requests which contribute to the democratic process and the rule of law.
The Initiative was formed at the beginning of 2013 with the aim of monitoring the process of European Integration in a transparent, professional and nonpartisan manner. The civil society organizations which are included in the work of the Initiative share values based on the principles of human rights, the rule of law, equality and democracy. The mission on which they base their work in different political and legal domains is a society based on equality.
Principles and values
The Initiative for Monitoring the European Integration bases its work on the following principles:
- Justice
- Democracy
- Transparency
- Rule of law
- Solidarity
- Equality and difference
The work of the Initiative rests on the following principles:
- Antidiscrimination – In the work of the Initiative and its members any form of discrimination based on age, race, skin colour, language, religion, ethnicity, national or social origin, belonging to a national minority, political or other affiliation, financial standing, membership in an union or a club, education, social standing and gender, sexual expression, gender identity or sexual orientation and/or on the basis of any other difference, is prohibited according to the Law on Prohibition of Discrimination BiH;
- Equality – We promote equality and condemn all forms of nationalism and especially discrimination, hate crimes and hate speech based on religious, ethnic and national identity. We promote freedom of (non)identification on the basis of religious, ethnic and national belonging;
- Independence and equitability – full-fledged and joined members as well as other bodies and individuals who are a part of the Initiative’s activities and outputs are independent in their work and have an obligation to maintain non-partisanship and strive towards values defined in the platform;
- Objectivity – the members are expected to present their reports, submissions, articles and other written documents as well as oral submissions taking into account their responsibility to the public, and they are to monitor the work of government officials, political parties and other participants present in the process of social and political leadership;
Focus Area
- Monitoring, documenting and reporting
- Research (a systematic approach to different questions, overview and monitoring of the work of the relevant institutions, research on structures and processes, production and promotion of the report on the state of progress of BiH in the EU integrations)
- Members’ capacity building (contacting civil society organizations and getting them and other interested individuals who are working on promotion of the principles of the rule of law and building of a democratic society and advocating for human rights, to become members)
- Advocacy (politics, reforms of the political/legal system, rights to equal access to justice for all citizens)
- Promoting (the work of the Initiative and implicitly its members through web portals, social networks and the media)
- Education (of researchers, government representatives, civil society organizations and the wider public);
Focus Groups
- Government representatives and political party representatives from state, entity and cantonal-level institutions
- Representatives of the civil society who are active in promoting the rule of law and the protection of human rights (educational activities, advocacy, coalitions, joint research activities)
- Representatives of international institutions, international government and non-governmental organizations
- Wider public (informative campaign).
Association for Democratic Initiatives (ADI)
Balkan Investigative Reporting Network
Center for Investigative Reporting
Center for Civil Society Promotion
Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly (hCa) Banja Luka
Women Association ”’Napravi razliku”
The Vaša prava BiH Association
Udruženje ”Zemlja djece” Tuzla
Citizens’ Association “Zašto ne” (Why not)
The Youth Initiative for Human Rights (YIHR)
Udruženje ”Tolerancijom protiv različitosti”
Association Network for Building Peace
Centar za socio-ekološki razvoj