Women, Work and Employment in the EU Legislation

This publication was created with the cooperation of Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Banja Luka and Sarajevo Open Center on behalf of Initiative for Monitoring of the European Integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Radio Free Europe: On Europe’s Doorstep 20.8.2017.

Inela Hadžić (coordinator of the Initiative for the Monitoring of European Integration of BiH) and Tijana Cvjetićanin (editor of Alternative Answers) presented Alternative Answers of Civil Society Organizations to the European Commission Questionnaire on the radio show On Europe’s Doorstep on Radio Free Europe.

Standard of Living in Bosnia and Herzegovina

What is the standard of living? How it compares with neighboring countries and EU? What determines it? Vladica Radonja tackles these questions in this article.

Gray Economy in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Author in this article explains gray economy and its effects on the economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina. What are the main causes and current statistics in this field are some of the questions answered in this article.

Judicial Independence of Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina

This article covers the topic of judicial independence of Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina and analyses existing structure of the court. Author focuses especially on Appellate Division within the court and ask if its current organisation is aligned with international standards for a right to appeal.

Maternity Benefits: Existing Problems and Potential Solutions

This article covers the topic of maternity leave benefits in Bosnia and Herzegovina and its main problem, unequal position of women from one canton to another when exercising this right. Author mentions three possible solutions to the problem and analyses one that is most probable.

BHT: Topic of the Day 25.5.2017.

Inela Hadžić talked for the Topic of the Day on BHT about Questionnaire of European Commission, functionality of the state institutions, political obstructions, government’s past work and general role of civil society concerning those topics.