Wrong interpretations of statistical data in field of employment
The number of registered unemployed persons is dropping, but the main reason for that is the fact that a significant number of people is leaving B&H in search for better jobs.
The number of registered unemployed persons is dropping, but the main reason for that is the fact that a significant number of people is leaving B&H in search for better jobs.
This article covers the topic of statlessness in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Europe as well as its international legal framework.
This article analyses additional questions BiH has received in the process of forming avis (opinion by the EU on the BiH’s application).
Author in this text covers the route of migrants through BiH and analyses all the flaws and issues it brought to the surface regarding states ability to deal with crisis and to coordinate between different levels of government.
Leila Bičakčić (Centar za istraživačko novinarstvo)
Damir Zeković (Centar za promociju civilnog društva)
Dragana Dardić (Helsinški parlament građana Banja Luka)
This article gives perspective for the independent journalism in BiH. What EU funds and other mechanisms are availible for non-profit media and what will be availible in future as BiH gets closer to the European integration.
On Thursday, November 9th 2017 debate show of TV Liberty with cooperation with the Initiative for Monitoring the European Integration of BiH on the topic of answering the EU Questionnaire and the delay of BiH’s officials with their answers.
This article tries to answer the question of public administration reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In what areas is our public administration most lacking, what has to be changed and what would be the final result of successful reform.
This article covers the topic of public administration reform from the point of view of the EU and explains EU standards in this area. It also explains Regulatory Impact Assessment – RIA goals and effects for BiH.
In this article it is explained in detail the steps that have to be taken in this lengthy process. The article also covers how the process of reform works, what can we expect from it and why it is so important for the country.
What is the standard of living? How it compares with neighboring countries and EU? What determines it? Vladica Radonja tackles these questions in this article.
Author in this article explains gray economy and its effects on the economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina. What are the main causes and current statistics in this field are some of the questions answered in this article.