B&H and EU: Demands of NGOs Not Fulfilled

Forty NGOs gathered within the Initiative for Monitoring of EU Integrations made a list of 78 demands regarding democracy, rule of law and human rights. The list was addressed to politicians in B&H. After four years, only third of demands were fulfilled.

TV Alfa-Dnevnik: B&H path does (not) lead to EU

The report was broadcast on TV Alfa (Dnevnik), 05.10.2018. Rasim Ibrahimagić and Darko Pandurević gave their statements for TV Alfa in front of the Initiative for Monitoring of EU Integrations regarding fulfillment of December Demands addressed to all authority holders in B&H. The list includes 78 demands regarding different issues in areas of government functioning, … Continued

BHRT Dnevnik: Only 10 percent of demands have been fulfilled

The report was broadcast on BHRT News, 05.10.2018. On the press conference held in front of the Parliament of B&H, representatives of Initiative for Monitoring of EU Integrations presented the Report on Fulfillment of December Demands 2014-2018. Rasim Ibrahimagić from the Initiative gave the statement for the BHRT television. He pointed out that the strategy … Continued

NTV Hayat-News at 7: Only 10% fulfilled

The report was broadcast on NTV Hayat (News at 7), 05.10.2018. In the mentioned report, representative of the Initiative for Monitoring of EU Integrations of B&H, Rasim Ibrahimagić, talks about the fulfillment of preferred demands addressed to all holders of B&H authority for the mandate of 2014-2018.

Oslobođenje: Only 10 percent of demands have been filled

The text was published in the newspaper Oslobođenje, 06.10.2018. Initiative for monitoring of EU integrations presented the report on the fulfillment of December Demands 2014-2018. As they have said it is a list of 78 preferred and concrete demands addressed to all holders of authority in B&H. According to the report, the fields of democracy … Continued

Dnevni list: Initiative for Monitoring of EU Integrations About Work of B&H Authorities: 10% of December Demands have been filled

The text was published in newspaper Dnevni list, 06.10.2018. Initiative for monitoring of EU integrations presented a Report on Fulfilment of December Demands for 2014-2018. The report includes 78 demands regarding the functioning of government, rule of law and human rights which were addressed to authorities in B&H. The original text in B/C/S language can … Continued

Report on the Fulfillment of the December Demands 2014-2018

At the end of the mandate period in 2018 it is possible to get a clear idea of how much has been done for the past four years in the field of functioning of the state, the rule of law, as well as the human rights situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.