BiH’s Migrant Route

Author in this text covers the route of migrants through BiH and analyses all the flaws and issues it brought to the surface regarding states ability to deal with crisis and to coordinate between different levels of government. – Questions from Brussels are New B&H Night Mare

The text was published on Glas Srpske on 22.06.2018. The text covers the topic of additional questions which were delivered to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Two years ago, Bosnia and Herzegovina applied for membership in EU after which 3242 arrived from Brussels. After breaching the deadline, and filing the incomplete answers, B&H received 600 additional questions … Continued

TV Alfa – Dnevnik: Institutions Will (not) Respect the Three-month Deadline

Broadcast on TV Alfa in the News at 18:30 The report is dedicated to the additional questions which the European Commission delivered within the process of forming the opinion on potential candidate status of B&H. Rasim Ibrahimagić gave his comment in front of the Initiative for Monitoring EU Integrations. frameborder=”0″ allow=”autoplay; encrypted-media” allowfullscreen>

RTV BiH – Dnevnik: Additional Questions for B&H

The report was broadcast in the News of RTV BiH, 22.06.2018. The report deals with additional questions which the European Commission delivered for Bosnia and Herzegovina within the process of forming an opinion on potential candidate status of B&H. Darko Pandurević from Initiative for Monitoring of EU Integrations gave his comment on additional questions. frameborder=”0″ … Continued

TV1 Dnevnik: Our Country Received More Than 600 Questions from the European Commission

The report was broadcast on TV1, 21.06.2018. in News at 19:00 In the report, Rasim Ibrahimagić spoke in front of the Initiative for Monitoring of EU Integrations about additional questions of European Commission. You can take a look at the report in the video below: frameborder=”0″ allow=”autoplay; encrypted-media” allowfullscreen>    

Dnevni Avaz: B&H Will Pass the EU Deadline Again?

The article was published in newsletter Dnevni Avaz, 22.06.2018. The article covers the topic regarding additional questions which arrived from the European Commission. Bosnia and Herzegovina has an additional three-month deadline to file the answers to the additional questions. Representatives of the Initiative for Monitoring of EU Integrations think election campaigns will slow down the process. Providing answers … Continued