N1: Delivered Answers to the Follow-Up Questions – What’s Next?

Text published on N1, March 2019. Answers to the follow-up questions were delivered to Brussels and to the representatives of the European Union. But BiH still has not fulfilled all of its obligations. The EU Enlargement Commissioner, Johannes Hahn, hopes that final opinion on BiH’s status could be delivered by the end of this Commission’s mandate, … Continued

Slobodnaevropa.org: BiH’s Incomplete Answers to the Questionnaire

Text published on slobodnaevropa.org, March 2019. The Coordination mechanism provided answers to the 655 questions, but what BiH’s government did not mention is that over twenty questions had not been answered. The Initiative for Monitoring the European Integration of BiH sent an open letter in which warns the public that BiH’s government failed to adequately answer … Continued

Nezavisne.com: BiH Will Deliver Incomplete Answers to the 23 Questions From the European Commission’s Questionnaire

Text published on nezavisne.com, March 2019. The European Commission will deliver the opinion to the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union, and they will unanimously decide on the status of BiH. But incomplete answers to the over twenty follow-up questions can be crucial in acquiring the candidate status of BiH. According to the … Continued

Klix.ba: BiH Will Deliver Incomplete Answers to the 23 Questions From the European Commission’s Questionnaire

Text was published on klix.ba, March 2019.  Directorate for European Integration (DEI) of BiH stated that BiH officials failed to provide answers to over twenty follow-up question. 23 follow-up questions from the European Commission’s questionnaire were answered with: “We are not able to provide the answer to this question due to the lack of comprehensive information.” … Continued

N1: Delivering Answers in Brussels

Broadcasted on N1 News, March 2019. After the delay of five months, Chairman of the Presidency of BiH is finally delivering answers to the follow-up questions, based on which the European Commission will prepare its opinion on acquiring candidate status. The Initiative for Monitoring the European Integration of BiH warns that BiH did not fulfill … Continued

BHT1 (News): Incomplete Answers

Broadcasted on BHT1 News, March 2019. After the five-month delay, BiH finally completed the process of answering to the European Commission’s follow-up questions. The Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Denis Zvizdić, stated that BiH fulfilled all of its obligations. But the Initiative for Monitoring the European Integration of BiH warns the public that over … Continued

Bljesak.info: What Kind of Answers We Have Sent to Europe?

Text was published on bljesak.info, February 2019. The Initiative for Monitoring the European Integration of BiH warned the public that BiH, after a five-month delay, still has not provided adequate answers to over twenty questions, even though the Chairman of the Council of Ministers stated that BiH has completed its obligation and has sent answers … Continued

Buka.com: “We Are Not Currently Able to Provide Answers”

Text was published on buka.com, February 2019. The Initiative for Monitoring the European Integration of BiH reminded that BiH failed to provide all answers to the follow-up questions of the European Commission, even after the delay of five months. Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Denis Zvizdić, announced that BiH has finally finished answering the … Continued

Dnevni list: BiH Has Not Answered All the European Commission’s Questions After All?

Text published in the newspaper Dnevni list, February 2019.  After the five-month delay, BiH finally provided answers to the follow-up questions of the European Commission. But the troubling thing is that the mechanism of coordination still has not provided answers to over twenty questions. Over a thousand state officials were included in the process of preparing answers, which … Continued

Klix.ba: BiH Has Not Answered All the European Commission’s Questions After All?

Text was published on klix.ba, February 2019. Chairman of the Council of Ministers of BiH, Denis Zvizdić, announced that BiH officially finished answering the questions from the European Commission’s questionnaire. But the fact that coordination mechanism failed to provide answers for over twenty questions regarding education, strategies and reforms of the education system, is worrying. The … Continued