The Appliance of the BiH Institutions’ Labor Law to Associations and Foundations

February 2019 The appliance of the BiH Institutions’ Labor Law to Associations and Foundations, author Leila Bičakčić BiH Institutions’ Labor Law regulates the employment status of association and foundation’s employees, but the Law is not explicit about whether the Law is applied only to the associations and foundations founded by the government of BiH and … Continued

Report on the Fulfillment of the December Demands 2014-2018

At the end of the mandate period in 2018 it is possible to get a clear idea of how much has been done for the past four years in the field of functioning of the state, the rule of law, as well as the human rights situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Women, Work and Employment in the EU Legislation

This publication was created with the cooperation of Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Banja Luka and Sarajevo Open Center on behalf of Initiative for Monitoring of the European Integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

BiH Alternative Report 2016: Political criteria

The Initiative for Monitoring the European Integration of BiH made the fourth in a row Alternative Report on Bosnia and Herzegovina and its path towards the European Union membership.


In the report before you we present the assessment of the work of the government institutions and the barers of government functions, in terms of the set goals, during the first year of the mandate, from December 2014 to December 2015.