Klix.ba: Preda: No One Is Becoming a Member of EU by Leaving for Russia

Text published on klix.ba, 11.01.2019. The text covers the topic of the visit of Cristian Dan Preda, the rapporteur of the European Parliament for BiH. He attended the roundtable organized by the Initiative for Monitoring of the European Integration of BiH in cooperation with EU Delegation in BiH. He advised political parties in BiH and … Continued

TV OBN: Message From Dan Preda

TV OBN, 11.01.2019. Rapporteur of the European Parliament for BiH, Cristian Dan Preda, participated in the roundtable organized by the Initiative for Monitoring of the European Integration of BiH and EU Delegation in BiH. He stated that he is not satisfied with the cooperation he has with BH. politicians, who according to him are the … Continued

NTV Hayat: EU Candidate Status

NTV Hayat, 11.01.2019. The Initiative for Monitoring of the European Integration of BiH and EU Delegation in BiH organized a roundtable on the topic of “Current State of European Integration Process of BiH”. Roundtable attended Cristian Dan Preda, the rapporteur for BiH of the European Parliament. He stated that he is more optimistic regarding Bosnia … Continued

Oslobodjenje.ba: Dan Preda: No one is Becoming a Member of EU by Leaving for Russia

Text was published on Oslobodjenje.ba, 11.01.2019. Cristian Dan Preda, representative of the European Parliament for BiH, visited BiH and attended the roundtable organized by the Initiative for Monitoring of the European Integration of BiH and EU Delegation in BiH. On the press conference, which was held after the roundtable, he stated that EU and BiH … Continued

N1: Easier With the Grand Mufti Than With Politicians

N1, News, 11.01.2019. Cristian Dan Preda, the Representative of European Parliament for BiH and Tijana Cvjetićanin from the Initiative for Monitoring of the European Integration of BiH, gave their statements regarding roundtable which was held on January, 11th. Preda stated that he is being more optimistic than BiH politicians and civil society organizations and that … Continued

BT1 (News): Why BiH Does Not Have Its Representative in Brussels?

BHT1, News, 11.01.2019. Initiative for Monitoring of the European Integration of BiH organized roundtable discussion on the current state of the European Integration Process. The representative of the European Parliament for BiH, Cristian Dan Preda, also attended the roundtable. Rasim Ibrahimagić, from the Initiative for Monitoring of the European Integration of BiH, talked about main … Continued

TV Alfa (News): Dan Preda: No One Is Becoming a Member of the EU by Leaving for Russia

TV Alfa (News), 11.01.2019. Cristian Dan Preda, Standing Rapporteur of the European Parliament for BiH, visited Sarajevo and during his visit, attended the roundtable organized by the Initiative for Monitoring of the European Integration of BiH and EU Delegation. On the press conference held after the roundtable, he pointed out several things, one of which … Continued

Vijesti.ba: No One Is Becoming a Member of the EU by Leaving for Russia

The text was published on vijesti.ba, 11.01.2019. The Initiative for Monitoring of the European Integration organized the roundtable in cooperation with Delegation of EU in BiH. Cristian Dan Preda, Standing Rapporteur of the European Parliament for BiH attended and he pointed out that BiH needs to have people who are ready to communicate with their … Continued

BN TV: European Path Blocked

BN Television, 11.01.2019. Cristian Dan Preda, standing rapporteur of European Parliament for Bosnia and Herzegovina, attended the roundtable organized by the Initiative for Monitoring of the European Integration of BiH and Delegation of EU in BiH. The topic was the current state of EU integration in BiH. He invited the politicians in BiH to visit … Continued

Radiosarajevo.ba: Current State of the European Integration Process of BiH

The text was published on radiosarajevo.ba, 11.01.2019. The Initiative for Monitoring of the European Integration of BiH organizes the roundtable on the topic “Current State of the European Integration Process” in cooperation with EU Delegation in BiH. Cristian Dan Preda, Standing Rapporteur of the European Parliament for BiH, will attend the roundtable. The main goal … Continued

Klix.ba: How Željana Zovko Misused Gathering in Brussels to Talk About BiH

Rapporteur of the European Parliament for BiH, Cristian Dan Preda, reacted sharply to the statements of MEP Tomašić asking her with how many BiH politicians she spoke to about EU integration process, adding that it is her political party which does not want to see BiH in the EU.