TV1 (News): Elections for the European Parliament

TV1 News, May 2019. Elections for the European Parliament ended and Liberals and Greens gain the majority of votes. Far-right did not get the results they hoped for before the Elections. Rasim Ibrahimagić spoke on behalf of the Initiative for Motoring the European Integration of BiH stating that the greatest victory belongs to the Liberals … Continued

BHT1 (News): European Parliament Elections

BHT1 News, May 2019. Rasim Ibrahimagić, coordinator of the Initiative for Monitoring the European Integration of BiH, spoke about recent elections for the European Parliament. According to Rasim, these elections are conditioned with the situation on the national level of the member states, and not with issues of the EU. It is important to emphasize … Continued

N1: One of the Main Problems of Europe-Environmental Protection

N1, May 2019. Around 500 million citizens of the EU countries elected new representatives in the European Parliament. Newly elected parliamentarians, 751 of them, will open discussion on forming parliamentary groups. Rasim Ibrahimagić, from the Initiative for Monitoring the European Integration of BiH, commented on the elections. According to Rasim, Bosnia and Herzegovina needs to … Continued

Al Jazeera Balkans: BiH Does Not Take Seriously EU Integration

Text published on Al Jazeera Balkans, 05.05.2019. When it comes to EU integration, BiH keeps lagging in comparison to the neighboring countries. This was one of the main conclusions of the Alternative Report on the Application of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the European Union Membership. The Report was published by the informal coalition of 40 … Continued

FTV (Dnevnik 3): Presentation of the Alternative Report

FTV, News 3, 23.04.2019. Rasim Ibrahimagić, the coordinator of the Initiative for Monitoring the European Integration of BiH, spoke about the Alternative Report which refers to the political criteria for the EU membership. It also contains Special reports regarding General elections 2018, migrant crisis, as well as protests “Justice for David”. The original text in … Continued

NTV Hayat: BiH Keeps Lagging in the European Integration

Broadcasted on NTV Hayat, 23.04.2019. Bosnia and Herzegovina is constantly lagging behind other countries of the region and the lag is becoming evidently bigger with time. By the disorderly and untimely fulfillment of fundamental obligations in the European integration process, Bosnia and Herzegovina fails to demonstrate a true commitment to reform processes on the European path … Continued

Face TV: BiH Lagging On Its Path to the EU

Broadcasted on Face TV, 23.04.2019. The Alternative Report on the Application of BiH for the EU Membership refers to the political criteria for EU membership, but also includes Special Reports on 2018 General Elections, the situation with respect to migrants and refugees in BiH, and on citizens’ protests in the Republika Srpska. When it comes to … Continued

BH radio1: The Initiative for Monitoring the European Integration of BiH Presented the Alternative Report on the Application of BiH for the EU Membership

Broadcasted on BH radio 1, 23.04.2019. The Initiative for Monitoring the European Integration of BiH presented the Alternative Report on the Application of BiH for the EU Membership. The report primarily refers to the political criteria for EU membership, but also includes Special Reports on 2018 General Elections, the situation with respect to migrants and refugees … Continued

Radio Free Europe/Liberty: The Initiative for Monitoring the European Integration of BiH presented the Alternative Report on Application of BiH to EU Membership

Broadcasted on Radio Free Europe/Liberty, 23.04.2019. The Initiative for Monitoring the European Integration of BiH presented the Alternative Report on the Application of BiH for the European Union Membership. The Report contains data on fulfillment of political criteria necessary for membership in the EU, as well as Special reports regarding the migrant crisis, General elections … Continued

N1: Hahn Will Hear Only One Side of the Story

Broadcasted on N1, 28.03.2019. Johannes Hahn, the European Commissioner for Enlargement, has arrived in Sarajevo. Hahn will talk about the current state of social-economic reforms which BiH obliged to undertake in order to move forward in its path to the European Union. Rasim Ibrahimagić talked about his arrival on behalf of the Initiative for Monitoring the … Continued