Key documents for EU integration process continue to be adopted behind closed doors

The amazing fact is that the public in Bosnia and Herzegovina found out about the adoption of the coordination mechanism – one of the key issues in BiH – only fifteen days after its adoption, and not from the institution which had adopted it, but from the media which had found this decision in the Official Journal of BiH and published it.

Paradoxes and relativization of security in Bosnia and Herzegovina

When presenting the results of their work, judicial institutions mainly present to the general public the results of repressive actions and talk about solving crimes after they were committed, but the prevention of crimes becomes an activity itself without evaluating the efficiency, impact and sustainability.

Do we need a system of double taxation

After Bosnia and Herzegovina started with reforms that have been the basis for accession to the European Union, the issue of double or multiple taxation was raised again. Meanwhile, in the Republika Srpska entity that way of taxation was introduced, and the Federation of BiH entity considers to start with that practice no later than March of this year.

Europeanisation of the police in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The role of the police in a democratic society has an aim at maintaining public order, prevention and repression of crime, protection of fundamental rights and freedoms, and any other form of coordinated activities with the citizens.

Different coloured obituaries and the idea of a common future

The murky aspect of the issue of ‘dealing with the past’ is the leadership of the political parties that gain support in Bosniak-majority areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This part of the political spectrum actually tends to monopolize the claim to concern for the common future and the multiethnic society, and poses itself as the ‘guarantor’ of the country’s integrity.

Political and/or civic participation in BH

Yet, it is still an arena for a different political culture. Voices of many marginal and discriminated groups in BH, such as LGBT people, are starting to be heard thanks to activities of the civil society. In civil society, the very notion of citizenship and political participation is not questioned, but placed within a broader context and critical thinking regarding the very possibility of participation and emancipation within the rules imposed by the system itself.

Yes to the EU, no to changing anything

Contrary to the “obvious” desire of the population, their political elites in political practice seemed to have favoured other issues over the EU integration. In all honesty, when asked, all politicians, without exception, are strongly supportive of Bosnia’s bid for accession to the EU, but when it comes to making any meaningful practical steps in this direction, their determination somehow seems to lose steam.


In the report before you we present the assessment of the work of the government institutions and the barers of government functions, in terms of the set goals, during the first year of the mandate, from December 2014 to December 2015.

Freedom of Access to Information in BiH

In order to ensure the realization of the concept of good governance, government institutions are obliged to ensure transparency of their work in a way that timely and extensive inform the public about their activities, respond to the needs of citizens, and to ensure the accessibility and transparency.