Without a Line of Responsibility: No State for Marginalized!

Respect for human rights, minorities’ rights and fighting discrimination, are the topics that are completely stepped off the radar in these processes, even though their presence was quite limited earlier, and were connected narrowly to the issues of constitutional changes and the implementation of the Judgement by the European Court for Human Rights in the case of Sejdić and Finci vs. Bosnia and Herzegovina.

HJPC as an Inheritance of One Dialogue About Judiciary

In April 2002, the then High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch, made a decision to suspend the appointment and extension of the mandate for judges and prosecutors, until the reorganization of the judiciary in Bosnia and Herzegovina takes place.

Implementation Structure of the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA)

The Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) between the European Union (EU) and Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) came into force on June 1, 2015, after the Presidency and both Houses of the BIH Parliamentary Assembly adopted the Declaration of BIH’s institutions commitment to implement the necessary reforms in the accession process, all in accordance with the conclusions of the Foreign Affairs Council of the EU.

BIH Progress Report 2015 Is Published

European Commission published Bosnia and Herzegovina Progress Report 2015 today. Members of Initiative for Monitoring the European Integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina are working on comparative overview of Report, that will be published soon.

It is necessary to secure equality of BIH official languages

Initiative for Monitoring the European Integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Coalition for Combat Against Hate Speech and Hate Crime warn against the politicization of the name issue of official languages in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Alternative Progress Report BiH 2015, promotion and discussion in Banja Luka

European Integration and Regional Cooperation Committee of the National Assembly of Republika Srpska and the Initiative for Monitoring the European Integration of BiH organize the thematic session where the findings of the Alternative Progress Report BiH 2015: political criteria will be presented.