Klix.ba: BiH Has Not Answered All the European Commission’s Questions After All?

Text was published on klix.ba, February 2019. Chairman of the Council of Ministers of BiH, Denis Zvizdić, announced that BiH officially finished answering the questions from the European Commission’s questionnaire. But the fact that coordination mechanism failed to provide answers for over twenty questions regarding education, strategies and reforms of the education system, is worrying. The … Continued

Internal Procedures for Protection Against Discrimination – Difference Between Theory and Practice

February, 2019 Numerous international agreements which Bosnia and Herzegovina has signed, as well as the BiH constitutution, guarantee the prohibition of various forms of discrimination. The rights stipulated by international documents and constitutional provisions have been transposed into legal provisions through the Law on the Prohibition of Discrimination, but also on the Gender Equality Law … Continued

TV1: BiH Answered Follow-Up Questions from the Questionnaire of the European Commission

TV1, February 2019. After crossing the deadline for five months, Bosnia and Herzegovina finally provided answers for follow-up questions of the European Commission. BiH will most certainly feel the consequences of the tardiness, but Denis Zvizdić, Chairman of the Council of Ministers, thinks BiH will soon become a full member of European Union. Rasim Ibrahimagić, … Continued

Euro Blic: How Much Has Bosnia and Herzegovina Progressed Since Submitting the Application for EU Accession Until Today

Text was published in Euro Blic newspaper, 22.02.2019. The article covers the topic of BiH’s obligations regarding the process of joining the EU. Politicians in Bosnia and Herzegovina still neglect constitutional reforms and issues regarding essential human rights, such as freedom of assembly, protection of marginalized groups, freedom of expression, omnipresent violation of human rights, … Continued

Current Political Problems Between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia

Poor political relations between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia have experienced culmination in the last year and a half after the International Court of Justice in The Hague rendered a final verdict in the so-called “Herceg-Bosna six”. ICJ ruled that there was a joint criminal enterprise against BiH, which was back then under the rule of Croatian President Franjo Tudjman and Defense Minister Gojko Susak.

Alfa TV: Answers at European Commission’s Follow-Up Questions Finalized

Alfa TV, February 2019. Bosnia and Herzegovina finally provided answers at 655 follow-up questions which the European Commission addressed at BiH. Now they need to be approved at 14 government levels, which is expected to be done by the end of the week. Rasim Ibrahimagić, who spoke on behalf of the Initiative for Monitoring the European … Continued

Alimony Trust as an Insurance for Alimony Payment

According to the data of the Single Parents Association “Pride” from Banja Luka, in as much as 70% of cases, the parent avoids paying alimony. The amount of alimony is determined on the basis of the payroll of one of the parents who is obliged to pay alimony to the former spouse, or the guardian of the child.

European Mechanisms for the Protection of Human Rights and Their Applicability in BiH

Human rights equally belong to all human beings without discrimination on any ground. Such definition, by itself, leaves no doubt as to the applicability of human rights in practice. However, the reality of the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), as well as the entire society, indicates that enormous disobedience is caused by a dysfunctional and non-transparent political and legal system.

The Appliance of the BiH Institutions’ Labor Law to Associations and Foundations

February 2019 The appliance of the BiH Institutions’ Labor Law to Associations and Foundations, author Leila Bičakčić BiH Institutions’ Labor Law regulates the employment status of association and foundation’s employees, but the Law is not explicit about whether the Law is applied only to the associations and foundations founded by the government of BiH and … Continued